F*ck, even as a girl, this makes my heart flutter. Wendy looks so frail and Joy f*ck, she looks so cool. I'm so envious of her tall height.
post response:
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.18 02:30 신고하기
Wendy was always short so that's why. Joy would look like that if she stood next to a tall guy tooㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 168 cm tall unnie, take me
추천 66
반대 4
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.18 18:32 신고하기
Wendy's way of talking is so cute
추천 52
반대 3
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.18 09:15 신고하기
Joy has exactly the body and height that I like
추천 43
반대 4
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.18 11:50 신고하기
Wendy is short and has narrow shoulders too so she looks like a little kid (T/n: in a cute way)... it's not that Joy has a large buildㅠㅠ
no-repeat; color: transparent; display: block; height: 24px; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 7px; width: 25px;">이미지확대보기
추천 36
반대 4
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.18 19:01 신고하기
I like Wendy so much
추천 10
반대 2
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.18 19:54 신고하기
It's more height difference than body frame difference
추천 7
반대 0
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.18 23:13 신고하기
I seriously like herㅜㅜㅜㅜ unnie, I love youㅜㅜㅜ
추천 6
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