Age 5 - Giving my friend my snack at a playground
Age 7 - Getting scolded by my mom
Age 8 - Fighting with my friend
Age 10 - Not listening to my mom
Age 12 - On an English vocabulary test, I wished to get just one more correct answer. I failed the test by one question.
Age 16 - Couldn't give a presentation and fell down on the spot
Age 18 - Trying to cut ties with a friend
Age 20 - Not caring about my grades in grade 11
Age 21 - Not studying in grade 12
Age 22 - Not buying Bitcoins
Age 28 - Not studying aboard in university
Age 30 - Not spending chuseok holiday with my family 6 years ago
Age 33 - Going against my father
Age 35 - Not dating enough women before getting married
Age 37 - Doing things that adults told me not to do since I was young
Age 41 - Getting into a car accident by my wrong decision
Age 42 - Getting married is my biggest regret although I had my happiest moments from it
Age 44 - Not telling my dad I loved him before he passed away
Age 46 - Not loving someone at my fullest in my 20's and 30's
Age 50 - Dropping out of high school
Age 53 - I hit my son with the excuse of 'the rod of love'. That was the most hurtful and regretful thing.
Age 55 - Starting to smoke
Age 59 - Not reading many books with my children
Age 61 - Getting married, it's a doubled-edged word
Age 64 - Not taking care of my health
Age 66 - I have regrets every day
Age 69 - Getting married without knowing my husband's personality properly
Age 71 - Not living hard
Age 74 - Not being warm enough to my parents
Article: We asked people at the age of 5~74, "What do you regret the most in your life?"
Source: Kookmin via Naver
1. [+45, -0] Marriage keeps coming up...
2. [+20, -0] Marriage is the thing I regret the most. Love is short and life is long.
3. [+17, -2] In my early 40's, I regretted not studying enough. In my late 40's, I regretted quitting my job. I'm trying to get a new job next year but I'll be 50. Do you think I can do it?
4. [+16, -1] Meeting my current husband and not travelling with my family.
5. [+8, -0] My regrets are drinking and smoking. I shouldn't have started them at all. If I were to born again, I won't do them at all and I can be successful for sure.