
Are you #TeamYeseo or #TeamHyena?

I'm #TeamHyena! But I think people on Pann are mostly #TeamYeseo..

Upvote for #TeamHyena
Downvote for #TeamYeseo


1. [+229][-185] #TeamYeseo with no doubt. Hyena scares me, she knows Yeseo's feelings but she decided to become a b*tch and mess it all. I swear I got goosebumps all over my body when she entered Hyena's house. And the way she lost her temper at the maid was so freaking annoying.

2. [+226][-91] #TeamHyena. She's clever and she knows how to make a good use of it. Kim Hyena is my role model, all Kang Yeseo can do is whine..

3. [+197][-64] #TeamHyena. I know she can be a b*tch sometimes but sometimes you have to be a b*tch in order to survive, it just can't be helped. It's better than to regret it later. And I actually feel a little bit sorry for her..ㅠㅠ

4. [+94][-30] #TeamYeseo. She might be immature, but that's better than the manipulative Hyena.

5. [+77][-7] #TeamHyena. She takes care of her own things, she's clever, she knows how to take advantages of things. For the records, she's only mean to people who deserves it..


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