1. [+1,442, -23]
I watched it to find a visual but I was shocked to see that none of them could be considered a visual;; What is their street casting team doing..?
2. [+1,455, -102]
Where does he look like Minho? He looks like Jun Hyunmoo before surgery
3. [+888, -26]
No... this is not Minho... everyone, please look at Minho's videos during his debut days and come back after
4. [+533, -43]
I'm rooting for Yedam~<3
5. [+313, -11]
Uhm... Minho... uhm....
6. [+236, -27]
So Winner is just that much more skillful and has that many more visuals....
7. [+173, -19]
They were hyping their visuals so much that I thought that there would at least be 2 guys who are Kim Jinwoo-level but ㅜㅜㅋ