They're the rock band "No Brain"
It happened in 2001
They were performing at a rock festival in Fuji
No Brain were against the fact that Japan selected textbook that distorted their own history
The vocalist of No Brain Lee Sungwoo took the right wing flag and teared it in front of all the Japanese audience who were watching
They did it while singing the national anthem and Young Rioters Maengjinga
Look at the sightㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It happened in 2001
They were performing at a rock festival in Fuji
No Brain were against the fact that Japan selected textbook that distorted their own history
The vocalist of No Brain Lee Sungwoo took the right wing flag and teared it in front of all the Japanese audience who were watching
They did it while singing the national anthem and Young Rioters Maengjinga
Look at the sightㅋㅋㅋㅋ
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.11.17 03:22
- For additional explanation, No Brain were also sending public criticism towards Seo Taiji at that time, they were going for a lot of public reactions as a rock band. If we talked about punk rock, there were rivals against Cying Nut and they were important figure in our rock history. Nowadays, people only know about No Hongcheol and those ajussis from Mudo's gayo only know groups like Lovelyz, which is kinda sad...
- ㅇㅇ 2018.11.17 17:05
- You can definitely see that rockers who actually show their words into actions are far better than those iljins and hip hop losers
- ㅇㅇ 2018.11.17 19:17
- While hip hop losers swear at women, rockers go and tear the rising sun flag, good thing I decided to fangirl on rock music