Their faces are really at work
Leave your comments of actresses in their 20s!!
post response:
ㅇ | 2018.11.10 00:58 신고하기
Han Gain and Han Jimin are also freaking pretty ,,
추천 201
반대 10
ㅇㅇ | 2018.11.09 22:43 신고하기
The actresses of this generation are pretty, but Taehyeji is a wall.....
추천 189
반대 2
ㅇㅇ | 2018.11.09 23:06 신고하기
Seriously there are no one in this generation of actresses in their 20s who are Taehyeji level..
추천 184
반대 2
ㅇㅇ | 2018.11.10 11:34 신고하기
Those 9 people.. You can't even bash them for their old pictures
추천 136
반대 2
ㅇㅇ | 2018.11.10 02:20 신고하기
That generation was the f*cking wall ㅋㅋ Not only Taehyeji but also Han Gain, Han Jimin and So Hyejin,,,,
추천 121
반대 1
ㅇㅇ | 2018.11.10 02:15 신고하기
The only one I can think of is Kim Jiwon, but Taehyeji is the wall
추천 79
반대 77