Do you have any male friends that you are as close with him as with your parents? Someone you can hang out with just the two of you on a weekend or something... I went to a co-ed middle school and high school but I have no male friends I can hang out with at all.... Am I the only one??? I'm giving myself my own reality check f*ck.. ha....

post response:
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- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.21 20:21
- I've got none f*ck, if only I had a boyfriend^^ ah I can't even say that I have a boyfriendㅎㅎㅜ
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.21 20:44
- I'm jealous of people who have boyfriends but I'm most jealous of people who have male friends... how can they be so good at talking with guys and joke with them? ㅋ쿠ㅜ
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.22 07:49
- No no, there are no such thing as 'male friends' for me. One of the two will bound to fall in love with the other
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.22 09:31
- Everyone is saying how guys and girls cannot be friends but... when you see the kids who confessed to others, most of them became friends in the first place because one found the other one likable. But those who have no feelings for each other are 100% just friends. They are just natural with each other and don't mind sharing about their problems, going to watch movies, eat together and just don't develop feelings for each other. Male and female friends won't necessarily have feelings for each other