He got a cold so he kept coughing and sneezing so he stayed home instead of going to the library to study. I was gonna take his hoodie in secret and saw him crying.
He's usually so annoying but I somehow felt sad seeing him like that. He likes to eat sweets so I'm going to the convenience store to buy him chocolate. what else should I bring him? Will that be enough?

He's usually so annoying but I somehow felt sad seeing him like that. He likes to eat sweets so I'm going to the convenience store to buy him chocolate. what else should I bring him? Will that be enough?
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.10 22:58
- Our unnie is also in her 3rd year of high school, but she doesn't study so I can't relate to this post...
Gulim, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spacing: -1px; margin: 0px; padding: 12px 10px 10px; position: relative;">
ㅇ 2018.10.11 04:54
my dongsaeng failed her entrance exam and will be a retaker, my dongsaeng is pretty lazy when it comes to study but said that she would stop using her phone and return it so she can study more. But since she's not able to listen to music on her way to the academy and on her way home, she's been feeling pretty down... So today, I ran to Hi-mart and bought a IRIVER MP3 for her and loaded it with all the songs she likes... I hope that she can enter the class of '19... I wish everyone luck during the exam period❤️