I’m 166 cm tall and 49 kg which is considered skinny to normal in Korea right? Since there are so many skinny kids here ㅇㅇ I’m not trying to belittle anyone but there are seriously not a lot of chubby kids here. Maybe you can find 1 or 2 in your whole class.
But now that I came to the US, I’m treated as if I’m so smallㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ the kids who see me would tell me “wow… you’re so tiny….”ㅋㅋㅋthey would say “don’t you eat???” to me a lot. There was even a male teacher who said to the students that I was really skinny… I know that this teacher is weird too but… anyways
To be honest, people here come in various body shapes. In Korea, if you are chubby, people would stare at you… anyways, what I’m trying to say is that it would be hard for you to live confidently. But here, the kids don’t have this pressure as much. The chubby kids would wear skinny jeans and sleeveless shirts without problem and are dating just fine too ㅇㅇ I kinda envy their culture in a way? They live in a society where they don’t care about other people’s stares
Also, this is a bit random but if you try living in the US for 1 month, you would understand why their obesity rate is so highㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋseriously, here, it’s a holy place for junk food. The kids would all ride their vans and go eat hamburgers at lunchㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ by the way, even I gained weight…. I only ate cards and fried foods and got so many f*cking pimples.
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original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.09.20 11:40
- 166 cm and 49 kg… you would be considered skinny here too though?... but there, you would probably look like a Pepero to them
- ㅇㅇ 2018.09.20 20:17
Me too I live in the US and I think that whether in the US or in Korea, the chubby kids get looked down the same way. Chubby people will always be bashed and treated differently, that’s just our existence. The only difference is that most of chubby Korean kids have low self-esteem/confidence while there are a lot of chubby kids in the US who have high self-esteem/confidence. That’s the only difference I see.
- ㅇㅇ 2018.09.20 13:14
- But they are just making it less obvious. They too prefer skinny girls. I’m also skinny and I often hear that I look like a model. The American kids would ask me if I work out or that it’s good that I’m skinny.
- ㅇㅇ 2018.09.20 15:30
Our country is rotten right? Foreigners wear bikini confidently even if they are old or chubby but this is something unthinkable for Koreans
- ㅇㅇ 2018.09.20 23:22
Isn’t that reverse discrimination then? If people have diverse body types there, why would they look at you weirdly if you’re skinny? Sunmi’s body is just skinny by nature but the foreign kids would find her too skinny and pass sarcastic comments. Our standards are just different. Everyone judges everyone’s body. We’re all the same