
1. [+1,392, -413]
The guy is problematic too but Goo Hara doesn’t seem to be in her right mind either
2. [+892, -233]
Wow… if the best comments weren’t taking Goo Hara’s side, the article gets taken down but if the top comments were taking Goo Hara’s side, the article remains in the main page…
3. [+655, -168]
The one with more money and who can afford a good lawyer will win this. Money is the only law for the rich
4. [+618, -157]]
Everyday content: Hi, I’m goo Hara’s boyfriend, you won’t be disappointed so please contact me. I’ll contact someone else if you’re late/// Interviews thereafter: She was really someone I loved so much… ??!?!??!?!!?!
5. [+168, -30]
You can see her bruises right awayㅋㅋㅋㅋ cowardㅋㅋㅋ

original post: here
T/N: It does seem like the media is siding with Goo Hara more, we translated this article only 10 min ago and came in just to refresh the votes and some top comments that were "bashing" Goo Hara disappeared. The first top comment saying "The guy was in the wrong but it seems like he was telling the truth. He has no power and no connection. Meanwhile, I’ve always felt something fake about Goo Hara" is no longer there despite being written 2 hours ago (maybe it got deleted too). We are not asking people to take side but this is just an FYI for those who are curious about what the 2nd comment in the first post was referring to :) Naver is known to sometimes manipulate their articles and take down articles from the main page for some reason or another!
1. [+538, -121]
Isn’t Goo Hara’s “medical diagnosis” just a note? Basically, if she’s hurt somewhere, she can just write down that she was hurt. She also wrote that she has a doctor’s diagnosis note somewhere~~~ so it means nothing. Meanwhile, the man has 3 medical diagnosis.
2. [+845, -510]
Birds of a feather flock together. But I’m leaning towards believing the man more. The lawyer stepped down and was replaced by another one and the defense kept on revealing and not revealing things and doing back and forth. Bluntly speaking, she should’ve retaliated when the man first reported her… her bruises would’ve looked even more severe back then. Meanwhile, she remained silent and went to get a note from the gynecologist ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ riiiight ^^;;;;;
3. [+355, -100]
Vote up if you think that Goo Hara is in the wrong, vote down for her ex-boyfriend
4. [+172, -7]
We will know once the truth comes out
5. [+119, 11]
Just look at that man's face. His flesh has been cut off. If I were him, me too I would've lost my temper and would've contacted Dispatch everyday. We don't even know the conclusion yet but people are too much.