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Ships? And fanfics? I can't understand people "impersonating" and writing those stories...
Isn't this considered sexual harassment... When they take possession of others' lives and make them have sex with each other, am I the only one who feels grossed out...? Isn't this a crime? Why do I feel like the majority of fans accept them...? Ah seriously I can't understand, what do you guys think?
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.09.21 20:05
- I can understand fanfics if they want 2 people to be dating, but I don't understand why they would send idols to death once they actually start dating
- ㅇㅇ 2018.09.21 18:38
- I don't mind when fanfic writers keep their stuff lowkey so they never pop up when people search the names, but I get pissed off when I see them in the related search on Naver