Donghae and Irene were playing Tangsuyuk game with the word 'Gi Reo Gi'
Donghae was starting to lose, so he walked closer to Irene and almost raised his hand
Yesung: *pushes Donghae* Hey, why are you acting like a gangster?
Donghae: Ah, I'm sorry
both; text-align: center;">Dongha walked closer towards Irene, almost raising his hand
Irene flinched
-Irene was shocked for real..
-Don't do that to our Irene..
-Why is he acting like that to Irene..
-Is he getting along with some gangster these days..? Looks like he learnt that from someone else;;
-Yesung did the right thing there..
-Donghae was just joking but I have to admit that he has crossed the lines.. Our Donghae is not that kind of person..ㅠㅠ
-Look at Irene's expression, that upsets me so much..
-??? What was he getting mad at..?
-Hul.. Look at the gif. If he did that just for a concept or character, I think he should've chosen other things than that..ㅠㅠ
-Whoa.. He's so freaking scary..
-What's wrong with him;; He lost to Irene simply because he's bad at the game..
-Hul.. He was this kind of person..? I really thought he was a nice person..
-What kind of crazy mess is this..