Doesn't she look so innocent??
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.08.12 11:58
- When she said "Yoojin-ah, don't go" I was so shocked by her words ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I can prove you that I'm a fan of Pledis' singers and I even supported Lee Gaeun and voted for her but seeing the broadcast yesterday, I seriously got turned off.. Lee Chaeyeon was on the verge of getting dropped too and even so, she kept hugging Ahn Yoojin and saying that she didn't want her to go (only Chaeyeon and Yoojin were left at that point). Heo Yoonjin and the 2 others were all hugging each other and being like "Yoojin-ah, don't go~ㅠㅠ" seriously ㅋㅋㅋ it made me wonder if she was really the Gaeun I saw all this time.. Just use your common sense, how can you think that saying something like that in front of everyone there was appropriate?.. Seeing the three of them hugging and leaving Chaeyeon all alone really made me tear up, she looked so pitiful
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The kids swearing a Lee Gaeun for her age.. it's because she debuted at an early age, she's only 1-2 years apart from the Pristin and Seventeen members..