
Name: Bae Juhyeon
Nickname: blank
Height: blank Weight: blank Blood type: A Color blindness: X
Skills: blank Illness: X
Family: 2 female siblings Marriage: Single
My keywords: blank
Habits: blank
Jinx: blank
Strength: blank
Weakness: blank
Write down all your talents: blank
My unique flaw that makes me perfect: blank
Members chemistry
I'm Seulgi/Wendy/Joy/Yeri: unnie
Seulgi/Wendy/Joy/Wendy is my: dongsaeng
My concept VS other members' concept for me: blank
My brain map recently: sleep, rest
The things I want to do on Weekly Idol: blank

(t/n: the staff basically filled all the blanks ie. nickname: baechu, baby face leader, bae rabbit)
*Written honestly and cleanly*
The staff wrote the answers themselvesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
original post: here
1. She probably doesn't want to be on broadcast in the future
2. If she acts like that, people in the broadcast industry will start talking bad of her
3. Hul...?
4. You're telling me she's the leader?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. Her dance is just average, her singing is just average, and everything about her is average, maybe she should start working harder
6. No but you're 28 years old, what are you doing!?
7. She must be so fed up with her workㅋㅋ
8. No skills, no tact
9. Do you think you'll be forever famous?ㅋㅋ Who are you going to call when your fame starts decreasing in the future? ㅋㅋㅋ
10. What is she doing?