It is said that the guy is a fansite master of another idol.
-I heard that he's one of Apink's fansite master..
-Momoring..ㅠㅠ Ugh I really hate this. What is he doing..ㅠㅠ
-F*ck.. Is he out of his mind??
-Did Momo hurt somewhere..?ㅠㅠ What the heck is
this. What is he going to do if she got hurt..
-This is why I hate Music Bank..
-Hul.. Did he leave his manners at home??
-Is he taking a picture together with Momo?? What is happening..??
-How dare him to bump my Momo!!
-Let's just expose his face..
-He just apologized on his Twitter.. Such a relief..
-Whoa.. What the f*ck is wrong with that f*cker..
-Crazy.. He's being rude just because Momo is not his idol..