I’ve seen a lot of Insta celebrities eating avocados for diet and I had high hopes but it’s like chewing on some kind of potato. It was such a let down
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- ㅇㅇ 2018.07.21 23:45
I find it delicious… but because of the articles I saw the other day about her our environment was degrading because of avocados, I don’t eat them anymore. Even though they are delicious, I purposely don’t buy them. Just don’t buy them for their environmental impact.
- ㅇㅇ 2018.07.22 00:04
- I think that they are just straight up a hit or miss. People always go "try eating it with this and that" but no matter with what I eat them, I just don't like them and feel like puking.... ㅠㅠ I respect the kids who love eating them but I hope that they would stop trying to pressure others to eat it... I seriously hate that..
- ㅇㅇ 2018.07.21 14:14
I think that the smell is just so severe. I brought avocado from an organic farm but even then, the smell was just atrocious. I think that the taste is also a hit or miss. Me too I’ve brought avocado for diet once and I just gave up after I smelled it. I searched it up and it says to eat them with sushi, raw Pollack or anything wrapped in seaweed. I tried everything but they don’t taste good no matter what.
#222222;">avocados anymore. An incredible amount of water is wasted just to produce 1 avocado.
- ㅎㅎㅎ 2018.07.21 23:35
They don’t taste good so I don’t buy them.. just search up the reality about avocado farmsㅜㅜ so much water is wasted during the farming process. But because so many people buy them, we wasting away the land.
- 유유 2018.07.22 09:58
Avocados are one of the main causes to environmental damages. We waste 272 liter of water just to produce 2~3 avocados http://naver.me/5inXok5V