The PD who’s in charge of My ID Is Gangnam Beauty is called Song Byungjoon. This person was included in Jang Jayeon’s list (T/N: Jang Jayeon is an actress who committed suicide because she had been sexually and physically abused by a number of high executives in the entertainment industry. She wrote a “list” of 31 people whom she was forced to “host”). Jason Kim who used to be her manager was arrested for charges about sexually harassing her, using violence, taking drugs, etc. but since he only acknowledged to the violence charges, he only went to prison for 4 months. When Jang Jayeon committed suicide, she wrote a list containing 31 men who sexually and physically abused her and one of them is Song Byungjoon. I really like the drama but because of this person, I’m just gonna stick to the webtoon. Please don’t watch the drama
This is the truth but there are kids who are refuting this and who are saying that it’s not a big deal. Because of that, we need this post to be featured in the main age. Everyone has to know about it
class="userText" style="color: #333333; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 0px; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;">But what about all the innocent actors and staffs involved in this drama?