@chaelincl: What about me? #PleaseReplyToMyText
-I feel bad for CL..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-Does that mean he didn't reply to the messages that the artists under his company sent and yet he uploaded stuff on Instagram??
-Will Yang Hyunsuk treat Black Pink the same
way in the next 5 years? I really hate him..
-Yang Hyunsuk is Black Pink's akgae fan now..
-Just imagine how frustrated CL was to leave such comment on Instagram.. But why are you guys hating on Eun Jiwon in the middle of thisㅋ
-Why did she renew her contract with YG?ㅠㅠ
-CL seems to work hard on everything she does while Yang Hyunsuk....
-When CL was doing well at one time, he treated her like a princess and now that Black Pink is hitting big, he's throwing her away.. He's such a jerk..
-I have never wished for anyone to mess up their life this bad..
-He should've just used his time to reply to CL's text instead of updating his Instagram..
-At one time he claimed that CL is YG's princess and stuffs and look at him now.. Ugh, just let her go..