Everyone knows that k-pop is getting more and more popular nowadays but there’s still a big wall to break when it comes to Europe. Last week, Got 7 went to perform in Moscow, Berlin and Paris and seriously knocked down all of the 3 cities.
First of all, they sell out the Adrenaline Stadium which had a capacity of 10,000 attendees. They are the first k-pop artists to sell out there and even made the headlines.
Afterwards, they performed in Berlin at the Velodrom. 12,000 people attended. Then, they performed in Paris at La Zenith and another 10,000 came. Their performances were all a success. Every time, as soon as the ticketing opened, it was sold out right away. That’s when I really felt their popularity in Europe.
On the day of each of the performance, they trended on Twitter. The thing that’s even more daebak was seeing the European fans singing in Korean and enjoying themselves. I think that Europe will open up their hearts even more to k-pop in the future.
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- ㅇㅇ 2018.06.13 00:24
- This was the line for the Berlin concert a few hours before the concert… that day was seriously hot… the Agases from overseas are awesome!!
- ㅇㅇ 2018.06.13 00:14
href="http://m.pann.nate.com/talk/reply/report?pann_id=342317702&reply_id=494069381" style="background: url("../img/v2/set_social_v5.png") 6px -397px / 40px no-repeat; color: #333333; display: inline-block; height: 26px; text-decoration-line: none; vertical-align: middle; width: 24px;">
I was touched seeing the European fans singing and doing the fanchants in Koreanㅠㅠ
- ㅇㅇ 2018.06.13 00:58
- The thing that surprised me the most when I watched the videos of this tour weren’t the European fans singing in Korean nor Got7’s popularity butt it was Got7’s stage itself. They sang around 30 songs live and I was seriously surprised. I can’t find anything else to say than “impressive”…