[enter-talk] BATTLE OF AVERAGE LOOKS OF GIRL GROUPS Wednesday, June 6, 2018 News, Spoiler, Sweet Twice Lovelyz Black Pink DIA T-ARA Rainbow Sistar SNSD Who’s the prettiest?? post response: [+62][-7] original post: here ㅇㅇ |2018.06.06 01:09 신고하기 Wow T-ara is freaking pretty 추천203 반대24 ㅇㅇ |2018.06.06 01:01 신고하기 The visual member somehow stands out the most in all their faces 추천124 Loading... left;">반대0 ㅇㅇ |2018.06.06 00:59 신고하기 Rainbow’s face is a free pass to any interview 추천109 반대3 ㅇㅇ |2018.06.06 01:01 신고하기 I don’t know who’s the prettiest but all of them fit their team’s concept so well 추천82 반대1 ㅇㅇ |2018.06.06 01:49 신고하기 Oh Rainbow is really pretty 추천54 반대1 ㅇㅇ |2018.06.06 01:03 신고하기 For me, Twice and T-ara are freaking pretty 추천50 반대9 Loading... Tweet Subscribe to receive free email updates: Related Posts :[enter-talk] BTS IS COLLABORATING WITH ED SHEERAN?Suga randomly released this in the middle of the night Some time ago, I saw an article saying they were making a song for Ed Sheeran post… Read More...[enter-talk] BRANDNEW MUSIC "WE HAVE TERMINATED SAN-E'S CONTRACT UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT" original post: here 1. [+4,895, -1,779] San-E did nothing wrong 2. [+2,603, -580] What are these f*ckers who don't even spend money on… Read More...[teen stories] DO YOU HAVE ANY TRAUMA? post response: [+187][-7] original post: here ㅇㅇ |2018.12.06 18:41 신고하기 As a kid people were mocking and teasing my fac… Read More...[instiz] RED VELVET'S MEMBERS' REACTIONS...GIF "Kissing (while acting) is a lot different than kissing in real life" "What are you thinking~" Yeri who's taken aback and giving glance… Read More...[enter-talk] PERSONALLY, THE STYLE THAT SUITED YERI THE MOST When she wears an accessory on the side of her head It's the hair style that suits her the most post response: [+109][-29]… Read More...