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Don't you think their visuals are already slaying??
Of course, they're not only good-looking but also very talented..ㅠㅠ
-RBW boys.. I'm right here waiting for you guys, all you need to do is just to debut..
-Where's Son Dongmyung..?
-Hul.. Gunhee-ssi has become an idol now..
-Is that Gunmin in the last picture..?
-Hwanwoong.. My bank account is ready..
-There's a student in my school who's also a trainee in RBW, but he's not in this post..ㅠㅠ
-Whoa, they're driving me crazyㅠㅠㅠ
-What's the name of the guy in red shirt? I'm so curious!
-It's been a long time, Yeo Hwanwoong..ㅠㅠ My fixed pick in PD101S2..
-Hwanwoong is so handsome.. He suits dark hair really well!
-I'm really looking forward to their debut..
-Gunhee-ya, Hwanwoong-ah..ㅠㅠ Anyway, what's the name of the guy in the first picture?
-I was about to say that guy looks like Dongmyung, turns out that he's Dongmyung's twins..ㅋㅋㅋ
-Is that Gunhee in the sixth picture?
-Nope, he's a new member! His name is Dongjoo, but his stage name is Sion. He's Dongmyung's twins!
-They all have similar auras.. They would do really well as a group!