looks beautiful in a very glamorous way.. Look at her distinct facial features..
-Hul.. I think she suits these eyebrows better!
-Her new eyebrows remind me of Fan Bing Bing.. It somehow looks very alluring..
-Her previous eyebrows looked cute and adorable and her current eyebrows makes her look modern, trendy, and absolutely gorgeous!!
-It still looks a little bit of strange to me but I think I'll get used to it soon!
-Kyulkyung.. is so pretty.. She's literally the best.. Her beauty can't be described with any kind of wordsㅠㅠㅠㅠ I like her so much.. Kyulkyung..ㅠㅠ
-I literally gasped when I saw the pictures.. Her current eyebrows look so much better! She kinda reminds me of Nana with those new eyebrows..
-She looks so pretty.. Totally rocks those eyebrows..
-She reminds me of Nana with those eyebrows! I just wish she would draw it a little bit thinner..ㅠㅠ
-Our princess..ㅠㅠ She looks beautiful no matter what she does..
-Her aura completely changes now..! She suits those eyebrows really well..
-She somehow reminds me of Kang Jiyoung.. So pretty..