(article posted ~30min ago)

original post: here
1. [+1159, -173]
So what is the person who sent all the claims going to do now? They won't be able to do anything anymore. Thank you Dongho-yah for always staying firm at your place and working hard
2. [+1053,- 150]
Dongho-yah you suffered the most, I love you
3. [+980, -133]
You've suffered Dongho-yah
4. [+989, -189]
For real...Really...? My hands are shaking and I feel like crying, someone tell met this is realㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ah seriously you've suffered so muchㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Kang Dongho you suffered
5. [+905, -121]
Let's walk on the flower path now!
6. [+308, -41]
Dongho oppa you can get rid of all the pain you've felt this time, you've suffered. Let's just walk on the flower path now, I'll walk together with you until the end Kang Dongho
7. [+291, -33]
You suffered ㅠㅠㅠㅠ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
8. [+287, =30]
You've suffered Dongho-yah
9. [+278, -24]
I love you Dongho-yah, let's stay happy from now on. You've really suffered a lot, I'll love you even more from now