Portal sites (Naver, Nate, etc) are excluded.
Only websites with exclusive domains.
1) DC Inside (dcinside(dot)com)
Category: All
Monthly cumulative visitors: 95.9M
2) Inven (inven(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Game
Monthly cumulative visitors: 56.4M
3) Ruli Web (ruliweb(dot)com)
Category: Game
Monthly cumulative visitors: 40.2M
4) Ilbe (ilbe(dot)com)
Category: Politics
Monthly cumulative visitors: 35.3M
5) Ppomppu (ppomppu(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Shopping
Monthly cumulative visitors:20.2M
6) FM Korea (fmkorea(dot)com)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 22M
7) MLB Park (mlbpark(dot)donga(dot)com)
Category: Baseball
Monthly cumulative visitors: 21.9M
8) Humor University (humoruniv(dot)com)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 21M
9) Instiz (instiz(dot)net)
Category: Entertainment
Monthly cumulative visitors: 20.7M
10) Today's Humor (todayhumor(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 20.3M
11) The Qoo (theqoo(dot)net)
Category: Entertainment
Monthly cumulative visitors: 15.6M
12) Clien (clien(dot)net)
Category: IT
Monthly cumulative visitors: 15.3M
13) Y Gosu (ygosu(dot)com)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 14.6M
14) Dog Drip (dogdrip(dot)net)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 13.8M
15) E Torrent (etorrent(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Torrent
Monthly cumulative visitors: 11.7M
16) Foreign Entertainment Gallery (hygall(dot)com)
Category: Entertainment
Monthly cumulative visitors: 9.7M
17) Bobae Dream (bobaedream(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Cars
Monthly cumulative visitors: 8.6M
18) 82 Cook (82cook(dot)com)
Category: Lifestyle
Monthly cumulative visitors: 8.2M
19) Gasengi (gasengi(dot)com)
Category: Translation
Monthly cumulative visitors: 7.1M
20) SLR Club (slrclub(dot)com)
Category: Photography
Monthly cumulative visitors: 6.1M
Instiz: Recent ranking of Internet community sites in 2018
- Can't believe ilbe is #4...
- Ilbe used to be a channel on DC Inside and then separated. It's no wonder why the site is popular.
- Yay Instiz at #9, hwaiting
- Ilbe is politics???
Only websites with exclusive domains.
1) DC Inside (dcinside(dot)com)
Category: All
Monthly cumulative visitors: 95.9M
2) Inven (inven(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Game
Monthly cumulative visitors: 56.4M
3) Ruli Web (ruliweb(dot)com)
Category: Game
Monthly cumulative visitors: 40.2M
4) Ilbe (ilbe(dot)com)
Category: Politics
Monthly cumulative visitors: 35.3M
5) Ppomppu (ppomppu(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Shopping
Monthly cumulative visitors:20.2M
6) FM Korea (fmkorea(dot)com)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 22M
7) MLB Park (mlbpark(dot)donga(dot)com)
Category: Baseball
Monthly cumulative visitors: 21.9M
8) Humor University (humoruniv(dot)com)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 21M
9) Instiz (instiz(dot)net)
Category: Entertainment
Monthly cumulative visitors: 20.7M
10) Today's Humor (todayhumor(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 20.3M
11) The Qoo (theqoo(dot)net)
Category: Entertainment
Monthly cumulative visitors: 15.6M
12) Clien (clien(dot)net)
Category: IT
Monthly cumulative visitors: 15.3M
13) Y Gosu (ygosu(dot)com)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 14.6M
14) Dog Drip (dogdrip(dot)net)
Category: Humor
Monthly cumulative visitors: 13.8M
15) E Torrent (etorrent(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Torrent
Monthly cumulative visitors: 11.7M
16) Foreign Entertainment Gallery (hygall(dot)com)
Category: Entertainment
Monthly cumulative visitors: 9.7M
17) Bobae Dream (bobaedream(dot)co(dot)kr)
Category: Cars
Monthly cumulative visitors: 8.6M
18) 82 Cook (82cook(dot)com)
Category: Lifestyle
Monthly cumulative visitors: 8.2M
19) Gasengi (gasengi(dot)com)
Category: Translation
Monthly cumulative visitors: 7.1M
20) SLR Club (slrclub(dot)com)
Category: Photography
Monthly cumulative visitors: 6.1M
Instiz: Recent ranking of Internet community sites in 2018
- Can't believe ilbe is #4...
- Ilbe used to be a channel on DC Inside and then separated. It's no wonder why the site is popular.
- Yay Instiz at #9, hwaiting
- Ilbe is politics???