Fave are you joking?
You mentioned a renewal and got all our hopes high, you talked about renewal everyday you said you were reviewing it with positivism, you released tons of articles. There are barely any fansigns, concerts and V-live lift, they're also preparing for their next album, but are you seriously joking right now? What are you doing?
For the 7 months they've been promoting, they were so obvious with not wanting to spend any money on JBJ and they disappointed so many people, but the few JBJ fans who stayed in the fandom were still hopeful for a contract renewal and we worked so hard....
I was still wondering how am I going to gather the money if ever they did a last concert ㅋㅋ
If you're going to be like this, then you should've never mentioned a potential contract renewal and not given us any fake hopesㅋㅋ
Fave seriously don't do this again, you really think fans are ATMs?
Any type of business you try to pull from now, I hope you fail, don't take the fans' devotion as a jokeㅋㅋ
Ah I'm seriously out of my mind now, I just want to cry

"The reason Yongguk is happy?" - Because I'm with JBJ members
You mentioned a renewal and got all our hopes high, you talked about renewal everyday you said you were reviewing it with positivism, you released tons of articles. There are barely any fansigns, concerts and V-live lift, they're also preparing for their next album, but are you seriously joking right now? What are you doing?
For the 7 months they've been promoting, they were so obvious with not wanting to spend any money on JBJ and they disappointed so many people, but the few JBJ fans who stayed in the fandom were still hopeful for a contract renewal and we worked so hard....
I was still wondering how am I going to gather the money if ever they did a last concert ㅋㅋ
If you're going to be like this, then you should've never mentioned a potential contract renewal and not given us any fake hopesㅋㅋ
Fave seriously don't do this again, you really think fans are ATMs?
Any type of business you try to pull from now, I hope you fail, don't take the fans' devotion as a jokeㅋㅋ
Ah I'm seriously out of my mind now, I just want to cry
"The reason Yongguk is happy?" - Because I'm with JBJ members
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.03.14 21:02
- ???? They don't think that JBJ has good results ???? They were so good at building up their fandom why are they abandoning everything ???? I feel so bad for the fans and the singers ㅜㅜ
- ㅇㅇ 2018.03.14 19:11
- They're f*ckers ㅋㅋ I still remember the kids' expressions looking at the fans in their debut showcase and out of the blue, they're releasing an article like that ㅋㅋ That's the most disrespectful thing they could pull on the kids, I'm crying
- ㅇㅇ
letter-spacing: 0px;">2018.03.14 21:35
Everyone is so worried about how sad the members must be right now... I hope this is a false report ㅜㅜ Taehyun, Kenta, Sanggyun, Yongguk, Hyunbin, Donghan. I've been a Joyful even before their debut and just thinking about their disbandment makes my heart hurt and it's such a waste. I went to the debut showcase, and it was my life's first concert, I was seriously so happy to be with JBJ. Thank you! If the disbandment is real, I will keep supporting each of you after. Although I wish it's false.