I'm 19 and I've never been in a relationship. I've had crushes but never been in love. I'm not someone you can call pretty either. Anyway, I work in a part time job and there's this guy (let's call him A) and he sat beside me. Since we work kind of like a call service representative, we have our own stations. We became pretty close as time goes by. He'd do these to tease me: - he'd call me lesbian (that's because I'd often tell him that this girl or that girl is beautiful or some girl is totally my style hahaha but I'm not) - whenever my hands would grab the end of his station, he'd flick my nails (which hurts like hell) - he'd never accept the food that I offer because "I don't wanna be poisoned" - he'd tease me to one of our co-workers just because I told him that I like that guy's perfume - instead of saying "be careful" when we go home, he'd say "be careful not to scare other people" - I have a gay co-worker whom I'm close with. When I'm sick, I get clingy. I was burning with fever when I saw that gay friend. His back is towards me and it looked like he's talking to someone, but since he's tall, I didn't see who it was. I came over and gave him a back-hug. When he turned around, I saw that he was actually talking to A. A saw me (still in the back-hug). He told my gay friend, "She's such a flirt, right?" (It is the closest English translation I can think of; but the intensity of the word is somewhere in the middle of flirt and slut. I was seriously pissed) BUT he'd also do these things: - When I tell him I'm cold (because our office AC is always set to North Pole temp) he'd give me his jacket without saying anything - I'd say I'm hungry and he'll give me his food - My immune system is weak af and I'm often sick, he'll be the first one to notice, probably because he's my seatmate. He'd go down to the pantry and get meds for me - I'm often busy and can't get up from my station so whenever he goes to take a break, he'd get my mug and fill it with water (I never told him to do this, he was reprimanded by our boss bc of this, but still does it anyway) - He'd say "be careful not to scare other people" but after that, he'd call my name again and say "Be careful not to get hurt". Other people are starting to get notice, and when I told this to my friends, they said that "he likes me". Because the teasing are the sign that he likes me. BUT I'm not a believer of that. This ain't some K-drama. Sometimes, his actions are just annoying. He resigned recently. I always go to work an hour early. As I was going upstairs, I saw him going down. He stopped on his tracks and muttered "fuck"
as if he was so surprised to see me. When we passed by each other, he told me "Goodbye, ugly". He'd come to work 10 minutes before the shift starts so I was surprised that he came in so early. When I went down, I saw that he was gone. I messaged him like this: "Hey, did you resign? You didn't even tell me wth. Anyway, stay safe and good luck with your studies!" Immediately, he replied with "I went to the office very early not to see you but wth why are you so early?" something like this. Ever since he quit work, he never failed to message me everyday with things like "Don't send texts while you're in the bus" or "Keep your phone safe, it's more precious than you" (our country's thief rate is no joke) or the classic "Be careful not to scare other people". But sometimes he'd text me "Don't forget to eat, you always forget to eat" or "Stay safe, call me if whatever happens." You can't keep your phone in the office so after work, I'd get my phone in the locker area. I will see texts from him like, "You're about to go home right? Don't be alone and go with someone" or "Do you want me to fetch you?" (since his home is nearby the office) I never agreed but once I'm outside the building I'd see him standing outside or he'll scare me and he'll bring me home. He also gave me 4 pairs of cute socks for Christmas because he knows I like socks with designs) NOT ONCE did he tell me he likes me. I asked him but he told me that I was being delusional. I was so embarrassed after asking him and I thought it would be awkward between us but he acted the same and he'd tease me for being delusional. Maybe I'm really just being delusional hahahaha fck.
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