

I seriously can't take all this mess anymore so I'm writing this
To be honest I didn't really like the fact that U-kwon went in a public relationship at first?
But I've read a lot of Twitter accounts and posts about this and most people were just saying "Be happy~" and a lot of people seemed to be supporting him. I started wondering what was that good about him being in a relationship.
Then again, I saw his post-it scandal and I started to dislike him even more.
I know that BlockB are really close to their fans and they joke around them, but I just couldn't understand why he would do it. Still, I didn't do like others did and I didn't write any hateful comments or post about him.

I'm preparing for our Japanese debut that's around the corner
I'm feeling very good today
I've read a lot of good posts lately and I felt like sharing with you guys
If I shared it on Twitter people would've distorted what I said and I feel like there would be some misunderstandings, I'm just here to share a good post
Me too, I'm very thankful and I'm very happy with you guys
Don't I look damn happy on stage?
But I've been tangled in a lot of exaggerated rumors and I was having a hard time
So it's true that right now it's hard for me to act or to speak even aword
Me too I'm working hard and please don't misunderstand things that have no grounds
That's all kkkk
Me too I love my BBC fans
Good night kk (wordplay with "good/gool =honey)

So the fans have been excluding U-Kwon a lot too and he's been hurt a lot, but he still loves the fans

U-Kwon was also the one who started calling BBCs honeybees

"Our members are going to the army soon, but I don't have thoughts like "why will this time come". My only wish is to be able to stand on more stages and have more time to connect with the fans"

He also express him missing the fans a lot

During a concert he said "Can you close the lights sticks on the 2nd floor? I can't see you"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

(Saying how he knew the fans would misunderstand if he came out with his relationship to the public but he said that he still wants to reveal it)

And there's his attitude controversy. I can't shield that either and I also hated U-Kwon's actions. But during the most recent concert they did, he started talking about the fans and started sobbing.
When talking about this being the last BlockB concert, he explained that it was the "last concert's day" because he was taken aback.

He also does a lot of eye contacts with the fans

"Thank you for making such a happy moment today~"
He's also very thankful towards the fans

(post showing the fans ostracizing him)

He used to be able to express himself well when he debuted, but after he went public with his relationship, he received all the swears in one blow. That's why he became more timid and he started having problems expressing himself, his words became short and people told him to stop mentioning his relationship.

"I just want you guys to stop swearing because he's dating!!"
This post is not about that. I just want us to mature and change bit by bit and the rumors about him living with his girlfriend are unfounded.
I don't really care about Kwonseon's haters, but if you hate him just say you hate him, there's no need to tormenting him.

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.24 22:16 신고하기
On their most recent concert, he was also the first member who speak during the commentary and to worry about the fans ㅠㅠㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He was trying to make the fans in the standing area calm down, the way he speaks was so warm and touching

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.24 20:53 신고하기
My opinion has changed a lot, rather than swearing at him I'm just going to keep watching him .. It's not hard to change one's heart from hatred easily..

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.24 21:16 
color: #333333; display: inline-block; height: 26px; text-decoration-line: none; vertical-align: middle; width: 24px;">신고하기
During the 2018's Montage concert, the fans were all shouting that it was the last concert, but he told them to find strength and be happyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㅇㅇ |2018.02.25 00:04 신고하기
You gotta be a maverick in the idol industry ㅋㅋ Everyone gets scared just hearing a question about dating, but he's the first one who came up with his relationship to the public... You can feel he has a strong mentality and he really likes his girlfriend. This hyung will support you dating and I hope you'll get married

ㅋㅅㅋ |2018.02.24 22:32 신고하기
He always asks if the bees are okay and wish us good luck on exams in his IG. Please I hope a lot of people read this post... My heart hurts 

ㅇ |2018.02.24 22:26 신고하기
I hope everyone who were criticizing him on the other post come and read this post.  


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