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Looking at male idols nowadays, I realized that they put too much weight on dance only,
but actually what's really important is the song itself,
if we talk from a public recognition point of view, do you think they'd pay attention to how good the dance performance is?
They get disgusted just seeing guys with caked makeup? There are barely any male idols who look cool to them?
Do you think that the public fell for Bigbang through their dance skills?
Bigbang barely has any dance in their songs
The most important thing is the song.
Look at BTOB, iKON and Winner's new song, they all did well because the song overall is good
They barely dance, but they got the public's recognition because they listen to the songs.
To be honest Bangtan are the only ones who have both dance + song
I think that the most important thing is the song, and dance performance is a good asset to add, but for singers, they need first to be able to sing, then their dance can be added on it
That's how the general public will trust them ㅋㅋㅋ
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.02.06 19:38
- Agree, but to gather your fandom, you need to focus on the performance. If not you'll end up like BTOB with so many good songs but no fandom...
- ㅇㅇ 2018.02.06 19:51
- What's what I want to say....To be honest all those rookies nowadays make me sigh. They took so much time to debut, but they didn't analyze the way their sunbaes hit fame.. They only care about dance and performance and all they can do is lipsync. All those groups will just be forgotten,,They just go for the most trendy beats out there and all dress the same, they didn't do their research and go for those cringy and cheesy concepts.... If they are still rookies they should come up with something new to stand out, that's just a waste of opportunity
#333333; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 0px; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;">I don't know for others, but I wish trainees focused more on singing than dancing
- ㅇㅇ 2018.02.06 21:26
- But you do think BTOB and Winner have no fans?? You can't compare them with Ex-Bang-Wan but they don't have small fandoms either.. Nowadays they're able to enter the chart at a high ranking all thanks to their fandom power no? I'm actually curious so I'm asking. It irks me whenever I see how a male group doing well digitally directly means that they have no fandom.
- ㅇㅇ 2018.02.06 20:27
- Agree, their music needs to be good, I still remember when Bigbang debuted people were sure that they would fail, but they didn't release a typical hook song, but a masterpiece that was Lie and became huge, Bangtan too, their "Man in luv" wasn't a big hit, but they started gaining some attention and when they released I need U they became successful. BTOB too, they're a ballad group, but their songs are good so people eventually trusted them. Winner's Really really also hit daebak because their music was good. All those singers who only know how to lipsync, I wonder if they're even associated to their songs, it's obvious that if you have a good song, you'll hit big. The big companies are good at making music, but the smaller companies only need to find that one song or they can do like Bangtan and Seventeen and make them self-compose, they're very good at making music..