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T/N: We've received over 80 PC-stories *o*!! Thank you for all your contributions ^^ We'll go through them one by one eventually :D Please don't feel down if your story doesn't get picked for now and feel free to submit more here! :) again, PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF YOUR TYPOS! ^^


Hello! This happened last school year. I won't reveal my age but I'm in highschool. Anyways, so pretty much there was this one kid in my science class - a seriously diverse class. I'll call him A to make it simple. I shared two classes with A, science and technology. At first, we talked a lot, just about random things. We had the same sense of humor and I don't know why but he kept on talking to me.. A few months into the year, we ended up getting partnered together in technology. I'm not very good in this subject, so he ended up doing most of the work LOL.. He started to become more flirty towards me? A would say "I love you" a lot to me for some reason all of a sudden. He would make hearts with his two hands and do it randomly in front of large groups of people. It was kind of embarrassing, but it was seriously heart fluttering since things like this didn't happen to me much.. I felt like I was in a k-drama haha.
It was those random occurrences and they built up such as the things he said to me about how he would "miss me" over breaks we had in school, he would always talk to me and stare at me randomly, etc etc. My friends and I lowkey thought A liked me... One time I was in a science lab group with him, and I was tired so I was not focusing as we had finished our work early. A asked me all of a sudden "Do you want to go out with me?".. I hadn't been listening so I hadn't really processed what he said, so I was confused. When I realized, I was seriously so shocked that I asked him if he was kidding. After I said that, A seemed a little nervous and said hesitantly that it was a prank and he was kidding.. He did something like this again where I had heard his friend tell him to approach me in between science periods (we had two that day) and he asked me out to go eat pizza that day. I declined and said I had something to do that day (which was true) but the school bell rang and we had to go back to our seats. I texted him a few minutes later to confirm that I did have plans that day but I told him that we could reschedule. Again, he texted me it was a prank from another boy. I tried confronting him about it but he said that he was confused and didn't know what I was talking about. I was really confused.. He did all of these things like saying "I love you" and giving me hearts with his hands and even asked me out twice, but then said he was kidding?? But at the time, I liked someone else. A lot of people knew. Little did I know that the guy I liked was A's best friend.. And so I left chocolates for A on Valentine's day for his best friend. He knew it was me (I didn't put my name) by the message (the wording made it obvious somehow that it was me). It was obvious A had found out I didn't reciprocate his feelings but liked his best friend. But still, he continued to "flirt" with me. I started to develop feelings for A little by little, but not to the extent I had towards his best friend. But summer break started, and neither of us had confessed. Nothing really took off. There's no much of a happy ending. We don't really talk much anymore as this year he got more popular and we both kind of changed. We still talk, but he suddenly stopped flirting with me as much and asked another girl to a dance our school had :( I don't know if he ever felt anything for me in the first place, but now I still kind of like him. Oh well, that's my fault. Hope you guys enjoyed reading!


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