For me, it's when my bias group started to hit big and looked like they forgot their original intentions
I'm just having a reality check every day

I'm just having a reality check every day
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- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.27 01:33
- When I realize how weak our fandom power is and I start to always feel sorry towards my biasㅠ I like fangirling on them but I realize that it's hard to fangirl... This is my situation right now actually
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.27 01:44
- Back then, I started feeling more distanced from my bias when they were super popular, but nowadays, the fandom power became weaker and their fame is decreasing I realize how full I was back then but still was hungry for nothing.. I got a reality check like this .. But without me, I don't think that my bias will be able to survive, I'm just delusional so I can't quit the fandom ... I'll like them forever ..
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- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.27 01:48
- Whenever my bias get dragged by other fandoms, it's just so hard for me to fangirl, I get a reality check and start asking myself why do I have to have it hard when I'm just fangirling
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.27 02:01
- Whenever I attend their concert and get a reality check ㅠㅠ They already have so many fans, so what am I still doing here .. There are so many people giving them love already .... I always get a reality check whenever I realize just how many fans they have