[twenties stories] THE IMPORTANCE OF MAKEUP Friday, December 8, 2017 News, Spoiler, Sweet post response: [+273][-27] original post: here ㅇ |2017.12.08 04:56 신고하기 This is why I understand why some guy wants to divorce on the day of their marriage… 추천230 반대22 ㅋㅋ |2017.12.08 10:14 신고하기 She went from looking like a monkey with a big nose to a hottie 추천188 반대30 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.08 01:43 신고하기 What a fraud Loading... style="font-size: 0.85em; letter-spacing: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; position: absolute; right: 11px; top: 14px;"> 추천153 반대13 ㅇ |2017.12.08 16:22 신고하기 But to be honest, if you remove Lena's (T/N: the YouTuber’s name) eyes, isn’t everything else pretty? She had concealer and powder on her eyes which made them look even smaller… but that aside, aren’t her face shape and nose considered pretty? 추천102 반대17 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.08 16:37 신고하기 Because of the powder around her eyes, it made her eyes look even smaller 추천82 반대1 Loading... Tweet Subscribe to receive free email updates: Related Posts :[theqoo] ERIC NAM "REGARDING THEIR ANXIETY, I HOPE X1 AND IZONE FINDS STRENGTH AND SOLVE IT WELL" During an interview, a question was asked about what he felt about the situation that X1 and Izone was in and he said "To be honest, I was … Read More...[theqoo] MOVIE THEATER DECLINING DECORATING THE THEATER FOR AN X1 MEMBER'S BIRTHDAY SUPPORT Hello this is Lee Hangyul Supporters. Today, we have a very heavy announcement to make. We have almost finished our preparations. We… Read More...[theqoo] JOHNNY'S GROUP THAT NEVER HAD ONE DATING SCANDAL SINCE DEBUTThey were born in 1979 and debuted in 1997 Kinki Kids original post; here 1. God Kinki 2. Was it Koichi? He said that they've ne… Read More...[theqoo] KANG DANIEL 2019.11.25 6PM original post: here 1. Hul looking forward 2. Looking forward!!!!!!!!!!!(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) 3. Hul daebak Kang Daniel's single f*ckㅠㅠㅠㅠ 4… Read More...[naver] PD AHN JOONYOUNG, ADMITS TO RIGGING THE PREVIOUS SEASONS... MNET "PREPARING COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGES" PD Anh Joonyoung has acknowledged manipulating the votes for Produce season 1 and 2. The controversy is likely to grow as more is … Read More...