That's very amazing for a rookie idol who just debuted 5 months ago
No wonder why they love taking pictures of him..
-All of Wanna One's members have shocking amount of fansites..
-Whoa.. That's really shocking..
-Look at his godly appearance..
style="clear: both; text-align: left;">
-There's no end to that list.. That's amazing..
-Of course they love taking pictures of him, I mean.. Just look at his face..
-He's really pretty..ㅠㅠ
-Hul.. I didn't know he had this much fansites..ㅋㅋㅋ Wow, our Jihoonie is a superstar!!
-Hul.. That's a lot..
-I got goosebumps all over my body as I scrolled down the post..
-It's more fascinating how the OP manages to list them all..
-He's not just your typical rookie idol.. He's the it-rookie-idol these days, and on top of that he's really good-looking..ㄷㄷ He has no other choice beside having a lot of fansites..
-Of course they enjoy taking pictures of him, he looks like a fairy..
-Whoa.. Unbelievable..ㅋㅋㅋ
-Jihoon is so amazing..ㅠㅠ Thanks to these fansites, I get to see different sides of Jihoon everyday..
-Jihoon-ah, you look so much more handsome in person..ㅠㅠ
-Oh God.. He looks like a baby.. How old is he?
-Whoa, as expected from Jihoon.. That's all I can say after seeing this post..
-Park Jihoon is the best..ㅠㅠ