He has a baby face..
-So handsome.. The love of my life.. He's mine..
-He actually looks like his age, but he indeed looks very handsome..
-He looks like his age, but he doesn't give off the 'Ajusshi' vibes.. That's actually kinda cool..
-Gong Yoo looks cooler and cooler as he ages.. That's strange..
-He's going to turn 40 soon..? Perfect..
-He's handsome..ㅋㅋ But what's up with his hair..ㅋㅋ
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-Koreans and their age system.. He's only 38..
-I thought he was already over 40..
-He doesn't look like someone in his 40s.. He looks like he's 30 something but one thing I can clearly say is that he doesn't have that 'Ajusshi' vibes like the usual men his age..
-Oppa, marry meㅠㅠ
-Why are there no men in their 40s who look like this around me.. They all look old..
-He takes a good care of himself.. So cool..
-This is crazy.. He's so freaking handsome..
-I wouldn't say that he has a baby face but.. He's indeed very very handsome..
-That picture of him in suit is literally driving me crazy.. He looks freaking cool..
-He actually looks so cute with bangs..
-His eye color is so much lighter than I thought.. His eyes are beautiful..
-He ages in a very cool way..