Whether it’s crush, love, heart fluttering stories, breakups, flirting…
Starting from me!
For me, there’s this guy that always tells me that I smell good every time he sees me. And then he would crush my hair once with his handㅎㅎ he’s handsome and has a nice body too. Even though the other girls stare at me, I like this feeling too muchㅎㅎ
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- ㅇㅇ 2017.12.11 21:10
- From the time I entered middle school up until the first half of my 2nd grade of high school, I was dating this guy. It seems like I was dating him for so long and people around me would also say “aren’t you guys gonna get married?” and stuffs like that as a joke. I and my boyfriend really were in love with each other. During my 3 years of middle school, we would always stick together. And even though he went to another high school afterwards, we would still meet each other every weekends. And then, at some point, he said that he would go to an exchange program to Canada starting from the summer for 2 years. I didn’t think much about it and just wished for the best for him. I trusted him a lot so I only thought about waiting for him. But afterwards, he slowly started to change. He stopped contacting me so often and when I asked him to hang out, he would always say that he was busy and would push the meeting at another time. And then, on some random day, we met each other and we got into a small fight. I was raging on him a bit so I talked rashly. Anyways, he then told me that since he would be going on an exchange anyways, we wouldn’t see each other anymore so he wanted to break up with me. His expressions were so emotionless. I don’t know how I can explain my feelings but I felt like collapsing down… and then he let out a sigh and just started crying. It was first time I saw him cry during our 4 years relationship… to be honest, he told me that he didn’t want to go on an exchange either and that he was scared. He said that once he goes on that exchange and graduates from university, he would already become an adult once he comes back and that it would be too hard for me to wait for him that long. But he said that he still couldn’t accept the thought of breaking up and was feeling sorry. So when I heard that, I started to cry too. And at that time, we had our first kiss after 4 years… I was hugging him and I could feel his hear beat and it was seriously nice. At that time, I told him that I would wait for him but now that I think back it was so cringeyㅋㅋㅋㅋ and then, we made peace again and spent the few days that were left before he went away together in a meaningful way. When he went on his exchange, he changed his phone number and I was preparing for entering my 3rd year of high school so I closed down all my Facebook to concentrate better. So naturally, we just stopped contacting each other. That’s just how it ended. My story is quite famous among my friends, so even now, they would tease me from time to time about it, and are telling me that I should’ve met with more guys during middle schoolㅋㅋㅋ but to be honest, I don’t regret anything! Also, I’m still keeping my promise of waiting for him right now. I hope that I can meet with him in the future
- ㅇㅇ 2017.12.11 18:22
- Legend
Guy: Why don’t you meet any guys?Girl: Huh? You mean why am I not dating anyone?Guy: Yeahㅋㅋㅋ Why aren’t you seeing anyone?Girl: ㅋㅋㅋㅋBecause my household is strict^^Guy: Ah what theㅋㅋㅋ for real??Girl: Yupㅋㅋㅋㅋ why aren’t you meeting anyone?Guy: Because your household is strictㅋㅋㅋㅋ
style="color: #333333; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 0px; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;">When I told my family that I was gonna go on a school trip, our oppa suddenly came into my room and threw me 30,000 won (~25$). He didn’t give me anything else and just left my room afterwards.
- ㅇㅇ 2017.12.11 20:19
I’m 19 y.o. right now and still haven’t dated once. I want to also be my first love’s first love. All the kids who seem fine already had a tone of ex-girlfriends… or maybe I’m just too demanding but I want to date someone like me. Will I be able to date anyone next year…? I’m so linelyㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- ㅇㅇ 2017.12.11 22:16
- The oppa I was dating for 3 years had a 5 years relationship with another girl. That f*cker ^^
- ㅇㅇ 2017.12.11 23:02
- I really liked this guy but he ended up dating someone else. We only talked a few times together but my heart would still flutter all day because of him and I would smile all day. Just seeing the back of his head would make my heart flutter. And if our eyes met, all my body would be paralyzed. But even so, I pretend to act all natural in front of him and greet him like it was nothing. But when he walks by, I lose all the strength in my legs . It’s even hard for me to talk to him and I get way too nervous all the time. All the stories in my diary are about him and my eyes would always end up looking for him. And that’s how another one sided love has ended for me.