[enter-talk] V IN A LONG PADDING.JPG Friday, December 15, 2017 News, Spoiler, Sweet Loading... post response: [+831][-77] original post:here ㅇㅇ |2017.12.15 04:01 신고하기 Taehyungie is cold 이미지확대보기 추천176 반대3 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.15 04:09 신고하기 So long paddings could look this cool huh 추천165 반대4 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.15 08:01 신고하기 He’s indeed so handsome… seriously, he’s so handsome but he’s also pretty 추천163 반대3 ㅇ |2017.12.15 14:33 신고하기 But the most unbelievable thing is… that Kim Taehyung had a bare face on that day 추천59 반대1 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.15 10:36 신고하기 He’s handsome alright but he has those charms that just suck you in 추천42 반대1 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.15 11:52 신고하기 Legend 이미지확대보기 추천37 반대1 Loading... Tweet Subscribe to receive free email updates: