She's 163cm tall. She has long legs and also small face.
Her body has totally transformed into the type of body that looks good with any kind of clothes.
style="text-align: center;">But anyway, she has always been beautiful even before she lost weight..
-She's really beautiful..
-I literally went 'Huk..' at the first picture.. Her legs are really long and beautiful.. The best proportional body I've ever seen..
-Whoa.. For me, the thing that I noticed first when she lost weight was her nose line.. She has a really beautiful nose..
-She's literally perfect.. I'm jealous of her..ㅠㅠ
-Our Mina is the best..
-Her jaw line will never fail to surprise me..
-I've seen her on person before and I gotta say that her face is really really small..
-Mina has always been beautiful..
-Wow.. She really did lose a lot of weight..ㅠㅠ
-Hul.. She's actually shorter than I thought she would be..
-How did she lose weight.. I'm really jealous of her..ㅠㅠ
-Whoa.. Look at her body proportion.. She's pretty..
-I wonder how did she lose the fat she had on her arms..ㅠㅠㅠ
-Mina-ya, please make an anon account on Instiz and share your tips or secrets on your diets^^ This unnie will be waiting for it..
-Whoa.. I've seen her in person and she's indeed very gorgeous..
-Her nose is to die for..
-I kinda see Sohee in her in the first gif..
-Hul.. I seriously thought she was taller than 163cm!!