Every time they meet, they hold each otherㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's cute
They originally met when filming something together but I didn't know that they were this close??

They originally met when filming something together but I didn't know that they were this close??
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style="display: inline-block; float: left;">추천49
Jo Insung: "There's no such thing as 'what if my work doesn't do well?'. It's a good thing if it does well but it's also a good thing if it doesn't. Seeing Kyungsoo also taught me a lot. I usually have a lot of greed but Kyungsoo only sticks to the essence of acting. He likes acting for what it is."
- ㅇㅇ 2017.11.26 12:08
- D.O is always so loved by his sunbaes but I find Jo Insung impressive too. With his face and reputation, he could've think of himself super highly but instead, he treats both sunbaes and hoobaes as the same people.... Jo Insung is such a big sunbae to D.O... he's just like his name, he has a nice personality (T/N: insung = personality)