

There was a post on the main page about people being foxes so it reminded me of this.
I’m a girl and I go to a co-ed school butt here’s a guy in my class who flirts with the girls.
For ease, let’s call him “male fox”.
So male fox’s body frame is on the big side. It’s not that he’s overweight or anything, he just has large bones. Also, he’s 187cm tall,
There are people classifying foxes as low-middle-high, so I would say that his “foxiness” is middle levelㅋㅋㅋ
When girls bump into male fox in the corridors, he would extend one of his arms out and hug them with the arm to not let them pass? And he would look down at the girls with a smile while wrinkling his face ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ people might thinknthat he’s charming but he seriously makes me uncomfortable;;;;
If you ask me how I know him so well, it’s because I’m close with this bastard
If you ask me how is he even a fox, just keep on reading.
I kinda became close with male fox during late night classes? Anyways, if there’s one girl who sits alone, he would go to her and be like “can I sit next to you? ㅎㅎ”. But he would never do this if a guy was sitting aloneㅋㅋㅋ
The problem here is because male fox has a girlfriend who’s the same age as him who’s in the class next-next-next-next to his.
If I had a boyfriend who does skinship with other girls and flirts with other girls, I would be so freaking mad.
But male fox especially flirts with the girls in my class. Since his girlfriend is not in our class, she doesn’t know about this.
If there’s a girl at the standing table during class time, he would always go stand next to her and keep talking to her during the entire class. He doesn’t even talk about the class content with her but he would say stuffs like “your shampoo smells so good” or “you’re so short but it’s cute” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Also, I said before that I was close with male fox but he seriously talkshits so much about others to me. It doesn’t matter whether it’s guys or girls, he just talkshits a lotㅋ but when he’s with the people he mentions, he acts all close and nice with them but he would always be the first one to go up to them and pretend to be closeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ all these people don’t know that male fox hates them.
Male fox is such a two-faced person.
And another thing is that male fox discriminates based on the girls’ faces.
There are lots of pretty girls in our class and I think that all of them are close with him
But when it comes to girls who don’t manage themselves properly, he treats them so badly.
His foxy acts are just so obvious to me.
I know that there are other people who clearly are aware of his foxy acts but since male fox has good specs, they just take them in.
I just realized that only female foxes get talked about on PANN so I thought of writing one with a male fox

post response:
original post: here
ㅇㅇ |2017.10.20 01:43 신고하기
There is a considerable amount of male foxes in real lifeㅋㅋㅋ Every time I see them act like that, they think that they would make our hearts flutter but that’s not the case at all? Just f*cking stop touching my hair

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.20 03:57 신고하기
Seriously, when guys try to be heart fluttering or say BS, it’s pretty obviousㅋㅋ of course, there are girls who are not able to tell but most of us are aware.

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.19 22:55 
top: -1px !important; width: 1px !important;">신고하기
He’s not a fox, he’s just a douche

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.20 03:12 신고하기
I bet that he thinks that all the girls at school like him and would fall at his feet and he pretends that his the sweet male lead of a high teen movie. I just want to smack him

ㅇㅇㅇ |2017.10.20 09:35 신고하기
He smiles while wrinkling his face? No way, don’t tell me that he’s trying to copy Kang Daniel.. I’ll seriously kill him

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.20 03:11 신고하기
There are so many guys like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but being a fox makes them almost dumb… also they all think that they are so handsome…

ㅇㅅㅇ |2017.10.20 07:56 신고하기
Seeing this post makes me think of those guys on Facebook trying to have the “boyfriend concept”. Ew~


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