Source 1:
[San E pointing at Irene while singing Sour Grapes]
The lyrics when he pointed at Irene go like:
'For stupid guys, if we scan you roughly, they will make a loan, for you everyone'
San E making fun of the fans who were staring at Irene;
He's really rude;;
-What the heck is he doing..
-Did he really do that to make fun of her fans?? That's a big no;;
-That's totally something that middle-aged men would do..
-That's really rude..
-He's such a loser..
-Why did he put his arm on her shoulder.. It's not like they're close to each other or anything..
-Irene seems to be really startled and taken aback..
-Look at how surprised Irene is in the last gif..
-Sour Grapes is a really pervy song, thoughㅋ
-Hip hop loser thinking he's all swaggy and stuffs..
-Did he really have to put his arm on her shoulder?? That's ridiculous..
-What on the world is he doing at that age??ㅋㅋ
-The level of Hip Hop loser.. So f*cking disgusting..
-Crazy.. Why did he do that, f*ck..
-I don't like him..
-I don't know about the song, but one thing I'm sure is that he's really rude for resting his arm on her shoulder..
-I've always hated that song..
-Whoa, this is crazy.. Was it necessary for him to do physical contact with her..? And why are the lyrics so disgusting?? Ugh..
Source 2:
[The reason why people think what San E did towards Irene was rude]
Irene was greeting her fans and then he suddenly touched her and made fun of her fans.
(Title: Irene's fans must be having a mental breakdown by now. The lyrics to San E's Sour Grapes are very dirty and yet he sang that song while pointing at Irene..')
It was this part: 'Men would put their apartment on loans just for your gaze'
And there's also a line that goes, 'Look at her picture, auto-reaction to make a 'tent' '
And this was the part he sang while pointing at Irene:
'For stupid guys, if we scan you roughly, they will make a loan, for you everyone'
The full part of the lyrics he sang while pointing at Irene:
'I'll give you a clap, I admit that you are my style.
Your smile is so beautiful.
I was about to picture you.
For stupid guys,
if we scan you roughly,
they will make a loan,
for you everyone.
Male followers in your Instagram
Look at her picture,
auto-reaction to make a 'tent'
So bald as a sexually advanced country
No cover, no mosaic. Of course no no.
Ay bay bay, better looking with eyes
Become a homo sapiens when standing next to you,
back to back.
You so fly like a crazy kite in the sky
I will let you fly freely, horray'
-Ugh.. What a loser..
-I hate him.. Especially the fact that he rudely touches other person's body with no permission..
-I've always hated him..
-Ugh.. He looks like an insane jerk..
-I personally think that's very very rude.. I wouldn't be able to control my facial expressions if I were her..
-That's just disgusting;; So are the lyrics, and also the people who think that this is acceptable..
-I didn't know the lyrics were that dirty;;
-Irene looks very startled at the sudden physical touch;; Her fans must be really mad to see that..
-This is why being a female idol is an extreme job;; Irene, you suffered a lotㅠㅠ
-Hul.. This is just as bad as sexual harassment..
-I mean.. They're not in a close relationship.. Does it make sense for him to do that in their first encounter?
-Anyway, Irene looks very beautiful..
-Isn't this considered as sexual harassment..?
-Look at that f*cker.. Look at how he made Irene startled, f*ck..
-He seriously doesn't act like his age.. What does he think he's doing to Irene..
-As expected from Hip Hop loser..
-I feel really bad towards Irene..ㅠㅠ
-F*ck.. Irene must've hated that a lot..