At some point, D.O said in a fanmeeting that he'd shave his head for his upcoming movie
He finally did it today ㅜㅜㅜ

Kyungsoo daebak... Before, he also cut his hair short, but this is literally shaved
I can't get used to it yet

You're handsome even with less hair Kyungsoo!

He finally did it today ㅜㅜㅜ
Kyungsoo daebak... Before, he also cut his hair short, but this is literally shaved
I can't get used to it yet
You're handsome even with less hair Kyungsoo!
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.10.12 12:55
- But his head is freaking small, you can straight up see now that he has short hairㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He really looks like a chestnut, so round
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- ㅇㅇ 2017.10.12 14:16
- He's the most handsome in EXO for me, when he was in that movie with Jo Jungseok and pulled his hair down, I got shocked