
AOA's Seolhyun is receiving rave reviews from Korean movie critics

Seolhyun's new movie "Memoir of a Murderer" was released on September 6. The film is about a retired murderer who got Alzheimer's, while famous Korean actors Seol Kyungkoo, Kim Namgil, and Oh Dalsoo starred in the film with Seolhyun. The female idol star played a murderer's daughter who dedicates herself to her father.

It's the second time for Seolhyun to appear in a movie, and frankly speaking, people in the Korean film industry didn't expect much of her. They thought Seolhyun is just a famous idol who has a pretty face, and it seemed it's impossible for her to stand out in the movie because Seol Kyungkoo and Kim Namgil are such great actors who always show outstanding acting performance.

However, yeah, Seolhyun did really great in the movie, and she certainly succeeded in standing out in the movie. She showed stable acting performance, expressing delicate emotions of her character. She's now receiving rave reviews from Korean movie critics.

Actually, the movie could be the turning point of her career. In the old days, some people in the k-pop world said that Seolhyun's just overrated and she will never overcome her limit. Do you know why? You know, Seolhyun has become one of the most popular k-pop female idols, but the problem was that she won great popularity only as a CF model. And the fact that AOA couldn’t have had any hits since “Heart Attack” became a hit in 2015 was Seolhyun’s another weakness. Idols should have their hit songs or hit dramas to become real stars. That's why some said Seolhyun's popularity was unsubstantial.

However, by showing great performance in her new movie, yeah, Seolhyun proved her potential as an actress. The idol star will receive love calls from a variety of movies and dramas, and she'll be able to get a chance to become a real star.

And one more thing. As I said before, Seolhyun had gotten in trouble because of FNC. You know, Seolhyun decided to appear in historical film "Ansi Castle", but before then, she was originally thinking about appearing in another movie "Rampant". Seolhyun had a meeting with the director of "Rampant" and it seemed everything was going ahead smoothly. Seolhyun responded positively to the proposal of "Rampant". However, she suddenly began to contact with the production crew of "Ansi Castle". If she wanted to appear in "Ansi Castle", she should have refused the proposal from "Rampant" first because it's manners between actors and filmmakers in Korea. Even top stars in the Korean film world do not weigh more than two movies just like Seolhyun did. It was not Seolhyun's fault, of course. It was doubtless FNC's fault because FNC proceeded everything and all Seolhyun did was just obeyed the agency. But, as a result, people in the Korean film industry said "Seolhyun is selfish and arrogant", and they even said they'll never cast her.

But, things have changed because Seolhyun did very good in her movie. As she has proved that she is not only a famous idol but also a promising young actress, the people who criticized Seolhyun won't be able to exclude her from their cast list.

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