Han Hyejin's pouch ($1,151)
Park Narae's pouch ($1,227)
Jeon Hyunmoo's shirt ($703)
Gian's jacket ($2,327)
The fact that he gives all these expensive gifts to people who are not even close to him shows that he lives in a whole different world from us..ㅋㅋㅋ
It didn't air on
the show, but this is the back pack that he gave to Lee Sieon ($2,366)
-Hold on a second..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-He really does live in a whole different world.. I would never be able to give out expensive things as a gift to people who are not even close to me, even if I were rich..
-I heard that Taeyang is doing a collaboration with Fendi.. It's possible that all of those gifts were sponsored, don't you think so..?
-I want to earn a lot of money so that I can give out expensive gifts to people around me freely like that.. But the reality is so much different with the expectationㅠㅠ Youngbae is so cool..
-Whoa.. I want to sign up as a host in I Live Alone..
-Does Taeyang work as a model for that brand..?? He's living in a whole different level..
-I'm so jealous..ㅠㅠ
-One of my life goals is to be friend with Taeyang..
-I heard that Gian84 is a big fan of Bigbangㅠㅠ I don't know why, but I somehow feel really proud to see him wearing the jacket he got as a gift from Taeyangㅠㅠ
-I bet it wasn't easy to give out expensive things to other people no matter how rich he is.. I think he's a very amazing person!!
-Whoa.. This is unbelievable..
-He's really rich..
-Whoa.. Oh my goodness..
-I really like Taeyang.. I didn't know he was that cute until I saw him on I Live Alone..ㅋㅋ