For your information, it hasn't even been an hour since the album was released
+) I truly respect Wannables..
-A big superstar..
-Everyone, let's keep up the good work..
-I really like the song..ㅠㅠ
-I love you, Wanna One<3
-Their songs are seriously so good.. I had no idea Ong Sungwoo's voice was that nice!
-The songs sound really greatㅠㅠ Let's become a bigger superstar, fighting Wanna One!
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-Huk.. I didn't know their songs are already out.. Brb checking out their album..
-They're not God-nnaOne for no reason..
-God-nnaOne, God-nergetic!
-All of their hard works are paid off now!
-Congratulations on your debut..ㅠㅠ Let's hit big with Energetic!
-Wanna One is a superstar!! So cool!!
-Hwang Minhyun, I love you.. From your voice, your face, your everything!
-Fighting!! I will always be rooting for you!
-Congratulations on your debut, boysㅠㅠ
-I love you, Wanna One..ㅠㅠ I'm going to put my everything on streaming your songs!
-I'm feeling really proud of themㅠㅠ
-Wanna One, good luck on your debut show case!!