It must hurtㅜㅜ What happened, how is she bleeding like this on stage?

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position: absolute; right: 11px; top: 14px;">
- ㅇㅇ 2017.08.03 13:07
- Didn't Gfriend hit big because Yuju kept slipping on stage but still sang and danced during Me gusta tu?? She's seriously good
- 러비 2017.08.03 12:52
- I personally don't think that using water on stage is a good ideaㅠㅠ Was I the only one who kept wondering if they were going to slip watching the live yesterday..?' I kept thinking like that but it's a relief they didn't slipㅋㅋ They can't even sing the song and get done with this, their feet must've been swollen afterㅠ Anyways I hope they stopped using water on stageㅠ..