credits when reposting
-But why..
-I don't like this.. They don't consider Jonghyun's feelings at all..
-There are some people who suggested them to re-record Open Up instead, since it was the song that ranked #1 for the evaluation.. Well, the fans of trainees who were included in Open Up team wouldn't like that either..
-As a fan of Jonghyun, I'm not impressed at all..
-But why.. They should've re-recorded Open Up, it was the song that won the first place.. Or Super Hot, Hands On Me, etc.. Why Never..?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don't like this idea..
-This is not
-I hoped they wouldn't re-record any songs from the concept evaluations but they did.. I'm disappointed..
-It's not like the original song will be removed from music charts if Wanna One released their version.. I personally like this idea..
-I'm fine with it.. Don't listen to Wanna One's version if you don't want to, it's as simple as that..
-I'm so upset to hear this..
-Whoa.. I will be looking forward to it!!:)
-I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, but to those people who don't like it don't have to listen to it..
-I'm looking forward to it but I wonder if they really have to re-record this song..
-I like the song but I don't think it's a good idea to re-record the song..
-I'm not curious about how it will sound like if Wanna One sings it..
-Don't re-record it!! Did you really expect people to like it..?? I only know Never by Nation's Sons..ㅠㅠ It's their song..