Let's talk about the good genes that you inherited from your parents!
For me, it's the height and the size of my eyes!
1. [+142][-2] My extremely curly hair.. F*ck, but I love my parents no matter what..
2. [+98][-9] The ability to not gain weight no matter how much I eat... I can eat a whole bucket of ice cream, fried chicken, pizza and not gain any weight at allㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+39][-0] A lot of body hair..
F*ck, not just my armpit or legs hair.. I even have some hair on my tummy..
4. [+30][-14] Intelligence.. I can understand anything that usual people takes 5 hours to understand, in just 2 hours..
5. [+29][-2] My clear and pale skinㅋㅋㅋ I don't even get tanned at allㅋㅋㅋ My skins would usually just turn red, but it would turn normal again after a few days!
6. [+28][-1] Wealthiness..ㅋㅋ It's not a good gene but it's still a good thing..
7. [+18][-0] I have a really big something.. I think I got it from my father, thank you so much..
8. [+13][-1] A sharp nose!!!
9. [+13][-1] I can eat a lot of things and not gain any weight at allㅋㅋ I can eat a fried chicken, instant noodles, and anything else at dawn and still not gain any weight at all.. I'm always around 40kg..
10. [+9][-0] Eyes and height..