-Their names are really unique..
-So how many of them are going to debut in the end?
-Hul.. I didn't know Tiny-G's Myungji is also participating in this show..
-Haein..? Haein-ah, why are you in that showㅠㅠ
-Lee Saerom is my fixed pickㅠㅠ But still, I'm not going to watch this show..
-Natty..? JYP's Natty??
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-I didn't know that 'Som' is an existing last name..
-Shin Si Ah..? Where did I see her before.. Why does she sound so familiar to me..
-Bin Haneul.. Ban Haneul?? Is that her real name..?
-Hul.. I see someone from my school.. It's so fascinating..
-I personally think Baek Jiheon is so pretty..
-This show reminds me of Boys24...
-Hul.. Natty used to look like a baby back then.. She grew up so much..
-I see some familiar faces.. I used to be Bin Haneul's friend on facebook, but she deleted her account because she was going to participate on this show..
-I have a feeling Natty is going to be like Somi.. She's outstanding..
-Lee Youngyoo from The Queen's Classroom??