credits when reposting
-He's indeed handsome, but not my type..
-Of course..
-I think he is a flower boy...
-I think he's just handsome.. He looks like my homeroom teacher in senior high school..
-He has an unique looks.. He looks cool when he acts..
-I don't think so..
-He's not my type but if that's not handsome then I don't know what is..
-He's not handsome..???? Then I wonder what's the description of handsome in your dictionaries.. The comments are so absurd..
-He's so freaking handsome, though..??
-He's not the flower boy type.. He's just handsome...
-I don't think he's handsome, though..?
-He doesn't look that handsome in person..
-He's just.. handsome. For me, the example of flower boys are Wonbin, Go Soo, etc.
-I don't know.. He's indeed very charming and unique-looking but I wouldn't consider him as handsome..
-He's not exactly that handsome.. But he has a very likeable face..
-He's not handsome, but his body is..ㅋㅋ
-Not my type, but he's indeed very handsome..
-He's handsome.. and mine..