-That's very refreshing.. Why do they keep asking us to tweet in English? That's very selfish and rude..
-You can see comments like that all over Youtube, V App, and Twitter.. I mean, why do we have to put subtitle in another country's language?
-Just learn Korean, please!! Ugh..
-They should've tried using translator or something else.. Does she think she's a princess..?
-If you want to fangirl over Korean idol, then please learn Korean by yourself. Why do we need to translate it to English for you?
-I saw that tweet and the intl fans were saying that they have no need to learn Korean and blah blah.. Ugh..
class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">
-It would've been better if she tweeted it in a nice manner like 'Can you please translate this?:)' ..
-I know right..^^ㅎㅎ
-Try to use some translators, or just learn the language.. Is it that hard for them to understand this??
-They can put some effort to learn Korean, or at least use the translators.. They don't even try to put some effort, all they do is demanding..
-Please note that the world doesn't revolve around youㅋㅋ
-'oppa eng sub plz^^'
-You can use translators...
-Online translators do exist..
-There's a reply that goes like 'Please learn to shut up your mouth' under the 'Learn Korean' comment..ㅋㅋ It was very absurd and annoying to see..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Ugh.. I hate it..