How can those 2 visuals appear on the same screen together....
The view will be freaking awesome
Yook Sungjae must baby Yoo Seonho a lot
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.10 22:06
- I heard that Seonho joined Cube because of BTOB.. So that life is also possible for a fanboy.. Seonho looked so nervous in the video... baby..ㅠ
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- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.11 10:28
- Yook Sungjae suffered so much lately, I wish that Cube can take a bit more care of him from now on. Stop saying that he's caught the actor diseaseㅋㅋ when he appeared on "bulmyeong(?)" and was lying on the floor pretending to be a carp in front of his hoobaes, it made me realize how amazing he was, I hope he'll do well
- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.11 10:21
- Yook Sungjae seriously grew up well. I've seen him every since he's debuted with BTOB, and he's been doing great ever since then but his aura seriously developed through the years and it really looks like he's finding his own way and he grabbed a good concept for himself. I don't know everything about Sungjae but he looks like one of the most humble celebrities out there...